Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Check it out.

For a girl with curly hair, THIS is a minor miracle. Only my hair dresser can do it, but it is nice for a day. If I was to try this at home, I end up looking like Roseanna, Roseanne Danna of SNL.

Baby Baby Baby, Baby Baby Baby...

Have you seen a prettier baby for a while ??? Shhhhh- do not comment on the bald head. He probably does not know it's there.

Here she is_ Margot Ayn 2 months old.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Where did I find this?

After my grandmas fire a few years ago, I found some boxes with pictures and quickly packed them in my garage without really looking at them- until now... We have been arranging the garage in the new house and cleaning everything up and look what I found. I think this one is from my 8th grade graduation dance. Look who was there. What a cutie patootee- and she's with the object of my obsession. Nicci, why were you there? I can't remember??? There are more good ones where this came from too.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Simply titled....MAN AND HIS CAT

Jack Bazil slipped out the door yesterday and we we're all scarred that he would not come back. I found him chasing birds up the street and brought him home. I even caught Chuck having a moment with him today. Our best fun lately has been giving the cat fresh cat nip and watching him go crazy. Yes, we are easily amused.