I have been trying to brainstorm something for the fam to do over the winter months that might be fun and keep us from molding. Earlier this week, while torturing myself at the Y, I noticed that the pool is open to all on Friday nights. I then, in my head, created the Litterell family swim night on Friday's. What, am I crazy? Actually doing something that puts me in a swim suit on a weekly basis? I'm getting braver in my advancing years... All week I pumped up "Family Swim night" to everyone, including Taylor and Derek. They were oh so thrilled in their asshole teenage kind of way- (most of you have yet to behold that treat.) So last night, at the last minute, those two found excuses not to go (like not missing the 20th rerun of The Hills), but Chuck, Ella and I headed down to the Y.
On normal days, our YMCA is packed with rug rats and parents. If it wasn't for the great kids activities, I would go and join LA Fitness. To my surprise, I found that on Friday nights, there is hardly a soul there. So, we threw on our suits and jumped in the lap pool. For the next half an hour, Chuck and I swam laps while Ella jumped between laps and the huge water slide. She is a fantastic swimmer- better than me, and she can go go go forever. I can't even say what a great workout it was- and I didn't even realize I was working out! This morning I think every single muscle in my body is screaming- including my ankles! Family swim night was one brainstorm of mine that was actually great fun and I think it will stick- at least through the winter.
When we got home, Taylor even said he would go next week. AMAZING! I think he detected the excitement in the air and doesn't want to miss out next time. Ya right! I asked if he would do laps with me and he laughed and said, "Ya right Mom, I might splash around, but no laps." Oh well, at least he said he would go and that is a miracle. Only time will tell.