Wednesday, October 31, 2007


We have had a swell time here for Halloween. The morning did start out with me almost forming a picket line at Ella's school. I did not want to embarrass my child though. Believe it or not, my child could not wear her costume to school. THIS IS AGAINST MY CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS OR SOMETHING!!!! (Nic- do kids get to wear costumes in Cali? If so, I am really there!) I did not even have any warning. Ella came home last night and when I was getting her costume ready, she said, "Oh no, we can't wear costumes, we get to wear our slippers to school." What?? Slippers SUCK! She just doesn't know what she's missing. If I would have known, I could have at least dressed her in Orange and Black head to toe as some sort of silent protest. Stupid @#$%^& people who have nothing better to do than make our kids so generic that not one of them will have one ounce of creativity in their being! Hey, look at me- I'm not too screwed up, and I dressed up for Halloween! OK- maybe don't look at me, you know what I mean! I'm done with my rant.

My day brightened up after school when Ella and Taylor got ready for trick or treating! I loved Ella's costume. We originally thought she was a pirate princess - then we settled on gypsy!

Taylor cracks me up- for school he was the Fresh Prince of Bel Air. He was so proud of his neon sweat suit he found at the Salvation Army. Then, he and a friend were Gay Ghosts. Or shall I be p.c. and say "Happy Ghosts." I am proud of his imagination. He had thought that he was too old to go trick or treating this year, but at the last minute, he decided that as a ghost, no one could be sure of his age and he really really wanted a big bag of candy again just one last time.



Living the Dream said...

I love the costumes! Ella looks beautiful. I don't want to upset you all over again but, yes Owie and CC both had costume parades at school. This is the first time they have allowed dressing up during school hours in 4 years. They were pretty strict about it though, I think Owen was in his costume for about 45 minutes and they didn't even let CC's preschool class stay in costume, they had to change after the parade. My Ohio friends informed me that there was no dress up at school this year, instead they had a family night. I don't see what the bfd is, it's one day to be silly.

Do the Puyallup said...

That sounds like a good comprimise though! A parade would be fun! Next year- she's going black and orange! I'll consider it a protest