Sunday, December 16, 2007

Christmas Fun Followed by Barfing

So we had a fun time last night. The idea was some Christmas cheer, but it ended with some Christmas horror! Ella and I wanted to make a gingerbread house which was fun. We went to the store and bought loads of candy and a pre-baked gingerbread house- yes, I'm a cheater! Ella had been complaining of a sore stomach for most of the day, but it did not stop her from celebrating the night away. We had gum drops and chocolate, sweet candies, and - on top of that I baked chocolate chip cookies.

I think the finished product was cute and Ella digs that kind of thing. All along, she did keep mentioning that her tummy kind of hurt. However, she did keep stuffing her face with a variety of candy. What could that hurt, I thought. You only live once. Oh, my punishment was coming.

Chuck has been working nights, so Ella has been getting to sleep with mom- along of course with Jack Bazil. Before Ella nodded off, we were having fun torturing the cat with the Santa hat. He is such a good sport. Shortly thereafter, Ella had fallen asleep and I was on the phone with Michelle. As she lay asleep, there was a volcano brewing. All of a sudden, Ella, while sleeping, started to hurl! I had to excuse myself from my phone call to try my best to contain the flow. When all was done, I had grabbed numerous blankets to try and catch the excess, my guess was that a blanket is easier to wash than the carpet.
As soon as Ella woke up and bathed, she said, "I feel great now. " Her and Jack cuddled up and went back to bed while I was left with clean up patrol. A child's puke fest is a true test of how much we love our children. Unconditional love is cleaning up your kids vomit while holding back the dry heaves!! AHHHH Christmas Fun.


Living the Dream said...

Oh, no! Poor Ella. Puke patrol is no fun. At least it didn't happen every hour. The ginger bread house turned out great. Bill's Mom got me the Pampered Chef version. I'm scared of it.

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