Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Bling Bling

My son asked to get his ears pierced. This is a time that you find out really what kind of parent you are. I did not find it too offensive, I guess there are worse things out there. He could have wanted a bone through his nose or eyebrow, or unmentionables. Also, regular pierced ears are for sure better than the kids getting big fat round circles in their ears! I do not think ears were meant to look through. Anyways, I thought it was funny that as a choice for the earrings, they had of course little silver balls, little diamonds, and big, bigger and bigger diamonds. (Crystals of course.) Taylor chose the biggest, diamonds (crystals) of course because that's how he rolls. I tried to explain that in life, if it is not real, it is tacky, but he wanted none of that. If anyone can remember what new earings are like, specially when you sleep, I'm sure the big rocks will not be too much fun. OUCH. I must be a semi-cool parent, because I did not put up a fuss.


Living the Dream said...

Taylor is so cute! I agree about the ear seperator things. I saw a kid that wasn't much older than Dylan with those things! You're a super Mom.

Do the Puyallup said...

Now if I could just get my kid to cut his hair- I would be happy. I'm trying not to make it into a battle, but I'm on the verge.

Living the Dream said...

Oh,no! I love his hair.

LONNBAD said...

you are the best Rainbow Mom Ever!

Do the Puyallup said...

Ya, funny - Let's just wait and see what is in style when your brats are old enough to think they have a choice.