Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Challenge for the Ladies...including Lon

I have a challenge for us all- let's see if you can do it. I want you to think of your right now, top ten things you like. These can only be things that have to do with yourself.. not for your kids, or your husbands, or anyone else, and it has to be something that you've done or used etc in the last 6 months. Let's see how hard this is to complete. I think it will make us all realize that we need to pay attention to ourselves more.


1. Victoria Secrets Lip Pumper- You have to get it- I LOVE IT. Glossy, stays a while and tastes good. YUM.

2. LAS VEGAS Everything about it. Specially the food.

3. Extra Hot 2 pump non-fat mocha's at Starbucks with the Whip Cream. Is there a reason the barista looks funny at me when I order this?

4. Spending time with my Mom with no kids around. She pointed out that it doesn't always have to be grandma time. I know I need to do much more, but she is fantastic and so wise.

5. Seeing my sister Renee. What a great young lady she has turned into.

6. Perfect fitting jeans.

7. Working out almost every day at the Y. Now this started as me begrudgingly going with my obsessed husband, but I am starting to like it. I feel better after my workout. Thank you hubby. (I am kind of on the fence about this one- do I really like it???)

8. This one really makes me a nerd- I like to play slot machines on POGO at night. It is a mindless thing that only requires me to push a button and not make one conscious decision. Helps me to unwind.

9. A clean and organized house. Not that I have one, but when I do, it really gives me a sense of peace. How can I get one more often???

10. This is getting hard.... and looking back at my list, I am a boring person. I think I am going to work hard at finding things to add to my list. OK, I love love love love good Thai food.


mmmyers said...

Great idea Lar, I don't know if I can come up with 10 things just for me though.I will start thinking. POGO- I too play, but I actually am a member.lets play some games together, dominoes is fun.

LONNBAD said...

i have been working on my top ten hate list. strange but we have some of the same things on our list.

Do the Puyallup said...

I'm sure we will all be mystified by your list....You have to post your list to your blog everyone.

Living the Dream said...

I like your list, I've never tried the POGO. Probably best if I don't. I'm with you on the Thai food, the best.

LONNBAD said...

ok list is done. and pogo is soooooooooooooooooo gay