Monday, April 21, 2008

Sufferin' Succatash...and waterfalls

So, Ella finally pulled out the front tooth that has been loose for a while. I love the crazy eyes she has in this pic.

Chuck and I completed these two waterfalls for a customer today. I think they turned out pretty nice. We sure are getting more orders for these lately. I hope they keep rollin' in.


Anonymous said...

I didn't know you guys did waterfalls, that is really pretty! Nice job- come to my house! Way to go Ella- I like her crazy eyes too,
was this pic taken right after?

Do the Puyallup said...

Yes, we do waterfalls. I wish Chuck would do one for me. It is nice to sit and listen to the water. Yes, I took this right after she pulled it out. Now, the other front one is loose and I'm hoping for the double missing front teeth.

Living the Dream said...

Is Ella talking funny now? Owen seems to have developed a lisp since he ripped out his tooth. In answer to your question, he has a grip it and rip it attitude towards his baby teeth. I love the sound of a waterfall, add some koi and I could sit out there all day. Beautiful work.

Do the Puyallup said...

Thank you. Yes, Ella really has a lisp now- mostly self induced.