Monday, July 21, 2008

Lakefair fun

We had a nice break at Lakefair this year, and it brought the HOTNESS which was better than last years rain for sure. Let's see, so many people to visit this week- my little sister is in town, and we got to hang out for a while. We went to the high school battle of the bands- the kids did not seem too excited for that. Ooh, Nicci and Michelle stopped by the boat. Nicci looks so good- she is a Cali girl for sure! Michelle, you look good too! No slights here. We had a nice visit over a couple of brewski's. OH- and my fascinating thing of the weekend- I saw a bobcat on a leash. Kind of weird. This was in a pretty crowded parking lot, and the lady made the comment, "she's not that friendly." Good to bring your 'not friendly' bobcat to a crowded environment with lot's of small children. Also, Shad was in town with his band Hellrancho. It was nice to visit with him, screaming over a LOUD opening band. Kind of awkward in a make you feel weird and old kind of way. His band was quite good though. Mudhoney and Motorhead happily blended together. Chuck was extremely happy to be there. Pun intended! Happy to volunteer to leave and walk Katie to her car. What a cute preggo lady! I'm thinking the bun in oven was feeling the same as Chuck. Anyways, Nic, we will have to visit more when we decide to make the Cali drive.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your sister is a beauty and your Mom has found the fountain of youth? It was great seeing you, Chuck, and the kids. Sweet boat. Next time, hopefully more time.